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Group Sessions

Consciousness Meeting and Events

Synopsis of Our Consciousness Group

The Consciousness group of CSL Charlotte began with a goal to have 90% of the congregation with their own individual Spiritual Practices. Today, each week all participants self-nurture, evolve and are receptive to that Power within them.

The motive for the goal creates a community with a strong Spiritual presence within the Global Community online and in-person. 

When a Spiritual Community has a strong Spiritual presence, it can only be boundless and invigorating giving rise to an outstanding assemblage in the world.

It helps to be able to hear and witness, our greatness.  Everything in our lives is the creation of consciousness.



  • Since the inception, we have seen many positive outcomes like, prayers being answered immediately.

  • One of our participants requested healing for a friend who was diagnosed with incurable breast cancer. 

  • The next day our participant received an email from her friend stating that the results of her PET Scan came back “clear!” 

  • Our participant was told her friend’s cancer IS curable and her doctor is very optimistic about it being cured with treatments. 

  • This same participant had previously requested to be held in our consciousness for receiving two very important emails.

  • Those emails arrived that very night.

  • We have seen many positive outcomes like, a person on a respirator needing less oxygen support.

  • Another participant’s husbands received the healing vibration at the same time we were in our Spiritual Practice.

Every Tuesday at 6:00 PM EST you are invited to experience and create a high collective consciousness with us!  In time you shift, grow and evolve.


If you would like to attend and your schedule is not open at 6:00 PM EST, let us know what to focus on in your life.  You'll be happy you did! 


Just complete the form below requesting the link to join us on Zoom.  

You may want to let us know what you want us to focus on in your life.  You will be happy you did!

Consciousness Meeting

Tuesdays @ 6 PM ET

Click for more information

Heart Beat Poetry Club

Tuesdays @ 1 PM ET

Click for more information

Grief Community

Mondays @ 6:30 PM ET

Nov 21 - Dec 19

Click for more information

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